FORUM GAME: jokes!!!


The depressed fat Freddy Fazbear
Gameplay: it starts by somebody telling any joke they want, then the next person to reply has to post a joke they think is funnier.

Rules: Well....there really aren't any rules, mainly because a joke is a joke, is doesn't matter if it's a knock-knock joke, a pun, or a racist joke. Jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously.

Example: randomperson57: why did the chicken cross the road??? To get too the other side.

The invention of the shovel was truly ground breaking.....

I'll start: how many Irishmen Does it take to screw in a lightbulb??? 2, one the hold it in place, and another to drink until the room starts spinning.
Why are doctors always calm? Because they have a lot of patients! (Get it? patients and patience!)
Your jokes make me want to facepalm hard.

Did you hear about the movie "Constipation"? I heard it hasn't come out yet. :grin:
Why did little Sally fall off of the swing??? She had no arms. Here's another one: knock knock??? Who's there??? Not Sally. And finally: what did Sally get for Christmas??? Cancer.

I'm such a horrible person....
"Once upon a time, a dyslexic man walked into a bra..."
Yo mama's so fat, when she gets on an elevator, she HAS to go down. Yo mama's so fat, jabba the hut looked at her and said "daaaaaaang"
Your mama is sooooo fat! When she died, she broke the stair way to heaven!