

New Member
Hey! I am PowerBeastMan and I want you guys in the 10.6.0 update to add helmets. I really loved it when they had it but when you guys removed, I was sad and didn't play this game that much. Plz add it again in the next update. Bye
i will be honest here, i agree with you, ever since the 1.3.0 update came out
no armor servers werent that much fun but thats the only reason for me to hate the feature
and if they're going to add them again, you'd have to reduce the health, but anyways
thats pretty much all i got against the helmet removal
Honestly...Now that your HP increases when you level up,adding helmets again would make getting a kill a very hard task,meaning that you'd have to spend 2 entire clips of most guns to get a single kill.
i dont thinking Rilisoft will let that happen, they obviously put the thought of players being killed easily if helmets were removed, thats why the increased the health by ranking up slowly, if helmets are being added again, that means that health WILL be decreased again
OR weapon damage will be "tremendously" increased
Exactly! If helmets are added, the dark health will be removed. (Honestly, the extra health is stupid.)
Two points to consider:
  • This is an unofficial forum, so we can't do anything to the actual game
  • The helmets were a pain in the @$$, especially since you'd get fully adamant armoured players running around, seemingly impervious to any attack, then suiciding every time they were damaged. At least now you have a good chance of killing at times.
I hope this clears things up

My reasons for disliking helmets was simply because they made players nearly impossible to kill at Adamant league .
For decorative purposes, they're absolutely fine. If you disagree with my point, at least state why.
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Honestly, the extra health is stupid.