How to prevent this?


My phone has this issue (this also occurs while on the home screen/or in any application(s) as well: not just in PG3D) that when I rub my sweaty thumbs on the surface of the screen while I'm playing Pixel Gun 3D (or any game for that matter), the phone becomes partially unresponsive and will start to randomly press buttons by itself without me actually pressing the command buttons (i.e: character spins by himself, character walks by himself, character fires the equipped gun by himself, etc). When this happens, you can no longer walk properly, can no longer fire properly, it'll become an impossible task to aim as your character will be constantly turning left and right or looking up and down.

TL;DR: You'll lose.

Is there any way for me to prevent this from happening? I usually fix it by locking my phone and re-unlocking it, but doing that method while I'm in the middle of a multiplayer battle usually results in me getting disconnected from the room.

The reason of this has already been stated in your post: Sweaty fingers. Your screen can be responsive to sweat, water, etc. While there is liquid on your screen, the device will read it as multiple fingers. Therefore it messed up your control. This can be prevented by wiping your screen and your hands, making sure they are not sweaty.

Hope this helped ^_^
Put your hands and phone next to a fan :tongueout:
This can also prevent your phone(assuming your using this kind of device) from heating and prolong battery life.
Android, huh? What sort of device are you using, exactly? The touchscreen response just might be partly because of a less than decent touchscreen as well, although like the other people on here, sweaty thumbs certainly don't help.

EDIT: Check your settings. I'm no Android expert, but maybe they've got some sort of Sticky Keys-like setting there that muddles up your controls. The fact that server lag has been quite an issue lately could also be the problem.