Moderators ingame?


Assassin's padawan
Yesterday i was playing on sniper forts (it is not the first time that happened) first of all i was playing good, winning all the matches but there was a person who can go through walls and fly ( even with that hability i was winning) then worst players started to leave the match and only remain this guy, me and one more person. Suddenly they join like 4 guys at the same time wearing the same equipment: ninja tabi boots, my cape, ninja helmet and psr (two of them have their names coloured in different colours: black and blue), i was impressed because they were absoultally very skilled and brilliant, too much i must say( even if i was jumping and moving side to side they were very accurate) and they could throw lots of granades and their ammo looks like they never run out of ammo, they were talking to each other and they say things like. "Killator dont mind next game we will let you win". Or Dylan (guy who was going through walls and flying): "You have been reported" or one of them says "name, you called the pros". And another stuff....

It was very wierd all, then they leave the 4 of them at the same time and they only play two matches. Then i started to win another time. Hmmm the only thing that i realise and has an explanatioon to all this is if it possible it exists some kind of ingame moderators?

One of their names were "beast with different typo weird icons", or "name+pro" of this 4 players
Sounds like the 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse.

But in all honesty, they probably aren't moderators. The concept of having in-game Moderators for a game with such a vast variety of players seems a tad useless, partly due to the fact that there wouldn't be enough Moderators in the first place to effectively moderate the game.

Nonetheless, I'd assume they were perhaps a bunch of good players simply being polite in the community and reporting hackers and the like.
I think we all know exactly who came to the rescue here. ( ̄ー ̄)
moderators in game????????nah but bots yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss they will kick from the Server people by the Chat something like the twitch system that are bots in Chat and if they see spam or bad words they will warn you
moderators in game????????nah but bots yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss they will kick from the Server people by the Chat something like the twitch system that are bots in Chat and if they see spam or bad words they will warn you

You can actually get kicked from the server in this game?!