My top 5 most frustrating things about PG3D


Holiday Enthusiast
Man, some things are really frustrating about this game.
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The top 5 most frustrating things about Pixel gun 3D

Okay, okay. Pixel Gun 3D is one of the best FPS games I've ever played [I've only played this and TF2 Before lol], and frankly, there's not much you can say badly about it. This is why I did a Top 5 [that, and that means I have less to type]. My flame shields are set to max, so, here we go!

5. Beginner levelers- I know, I know, this is a hate on n00bs, but really, it is very frustrating. Almost every time I do a replay [I haven't got any ipad recording softwares yet] there are like 2 or 3 players who are low levels who say in chat "Please let me win I'm trying to level up." It is just really stupid that they would say that. If they want to level up, go play survival or something. Every time they lose, they scream in the chat "OMG WHY U NO LET ME WIN!!???3$:9" Well, they don't say that, but it's a good Interpretation on what they would say. And yes, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel to find something wrong.

4. No one cares about teams- Okay, this has only happened to me about 3-4 times, but I know some people this has happened to too. So you're about to snipe this one guy who is dominating your team, and right when you fire, some retard on your team with the AGB or something thinks you are an enemy, fires at you, bounces you around, making you miss. Then, when you are about to fire again, they shoot you again. Then they keep doing it, until someone notices you, and takes you both out. After that, the enemy team wins, and you get tee'd off at him.

3. Dating and No Kill servers- Some game communities are pretty good, filled with nice people, like this game's. Then, the community does something so retarded, so angering, people quit because of it. If I had a dollar for every I need a gf/bf, s**, Prom, and No Kill server, I could buy the moon twice. First, WTF are you doing trying to get a date with someone online? Half the time, no- 95% of the time these servers are owned by some 7 year old kid with no idea what they are doing, or so,e 40- year old Pervert trying to score online. You know what Is ay to them? Get off your @$$es and actually meet someone real. Part2. Don't even get me started on a no-Kill server. THIS IS A PVP GAME!!! IT IS MEANT TO KILL THINGS! Even if you want to play with your friends, just set up a private match, that way, no one can get killed! Every once and a while a game can make sense of a no-kill server, such as Minecraft, you can have everyone work together to make anything you want, or TF2- They have trade servers for people to go on, and trade their items and everyone's happy! So, if you are one of these people who make/play on these servers to not kill/ online date, GO RUIN SOME OTHER COMMUNITY

2. Situational weapons- Remember that chain thunderbolt you bought? You eradicated waves after waves of survivals, you decide to take this god of a weapon to the multiplayer matches. 5 seconds later you get wrecked. Another example is you get the crossbow, after many multiplayer matches you win, you take it to survival mode. It isn't very effective. Yes, as OP weapons can get, they are only OP during situations. The CT [Chain Thunderbolt] is only effective in survival, small maps, or thunder jumping. If you don't know how to thunder jump, don't like small maps, and doesn't play survival [for some reason], this weapon is USELESS. Same with magic weapons and pistols. Only specific maps or scenarios are effective for them. Every time you realize that your favorite weapon is no fit for this map, and that your least favorite weapon is used for? You go "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh......" And that is frustrating.

1. So what could be worse than Online Levelers, Dating servers, No kill Servers, and Situational weapons? The Prototype PSR-1- Don't get me kidding, this weapon is one of my favorite weapons to use in the game. It's very balanced, with a trail to show where the shooter is, to keep to from being OP. I have no problem with it, asides from how abused it is. As this weapon can shoot through multiple targets [making sharpshooters even more deadly], and that no matter what it is a one-shot kill, unlike the other snipers that nobody tends to use other than KBStandard and occasionally me, people abuse it. Because it can shoot through walls, it is the most used and abused weapons of all time. The PSR is a very fun weapon to use, shooting every unsuspecting foe into particles. But when someone else is using it, you better hope to got they have sh!tty aim. If they are sharpshooters, got help you. The only way to win a match against a PSR Sniper, is to have a PSR if your own, or a magical weapon. [I prefer crystal crossbow cuz It's powaful] You can easily be the @$$hole of the server using this weapon. Due to the new report system, I recommend if you want to make me rage, try to play against better players and not n00bs, as there is a high chance that a n00b will probably report you.

So those are my top 5 most frustrating about this game. Please don't take this to heart, this is only my opinion. If you think this is a rant, [it kinda feels like it] feel free to think that, don't start a flame war. Pls don't hate, Donate.

I agree with EVERYTHING said in this post.
My most hated thing about pg3d is the sudden glitch, the game suddenly lets you stop moving and suddenly you are dead!!!! I haye that.....
Im like a bandit on dating and no kill servers. I usually empty out the server to make it completley abandoned. I never lost on a no kill server, i raided 12 already.
Almost all of these don't apply to me since
A. If you're an experienced player u eventually think up of ways to avoid this. Take the PSR for example. Before when I was a noob, people kept killing me wit it. Now I know just how to dodge the beams and I barely get killed!
B. The things you rage about rarely happen to me
C. Death. If someone annoys you, kill them
PS: the chain thunderbolt ain't useless. I've own plenty of times wit it on long range maps.
The only thing I don't agree is the CT=Chain Thunderbolt.. Its very useful if you know how thunder jump and ambush. Some maps that are big like heavens garden may be hard to use the CT on the map. However jumping on the clouds and jumping down onto your enemy and electrify them on their head. Very simple...?
I agree with most of what you said especially the part about dating and no kill. They just ask anyone out, constantly say is there any girls here? Wana be my gf? I find myself having to remind people its a killing game not a dating game.
I agree with most of what you said especially the part about dating and no kill. They just ask anyone out, constantly say is there any girls here? Wana be my gf? I find myself having to remind people its a killing game not a dating game.
Same. If anything if ruining the meaning of this game, it's the daters. How bout one of them makes a spinoff called Pixel Date 3D, and least the Pixel GUN 3D community alone.
Same. If anything if ruining the meaning of this game, it's the daters. How bout one of them makes a spinoff called Pixel Date 3D, and least the Pixel GUN 3D community alone.
If they made the so called Pixel Date 3D then the companies reputation would be ruined for making such a 'game'
the PSR is not overpowered, the guerilla rifle shoots twice as fast with the ability to one shot kill with a headshot, and if you hae a ninja tabi, you can just jump randomly to dodge them
Everything on this list except for the PSR. Nowadays on Amazon, if you thunder jump, or double jump with the Tabi, no one's gonna hit you with that thing, heck even try-hards will start missing you, so it's not that much of a problem. However, people killing you through walls (especially with the Archimage Dragon Wand), that's something that annoys us all.
Everything on this list except for the PSR. Nowadays on Amazon, if you thunder jump, or double jump with the Tabi, no one's gonna hit you with that thing, heck even try-hards will start missing you, so it's not that much of a problem. However, people killing you through walls (especially with the Archimage Dragon Wand), that's something that annoys us all.
No the hit box should be nerfed, sometimes I won't have any lag and I'll be killed even when the laser is being shown on my far right.
Wat bothers me is that they has that sniper laset weapon the prottype yup somehow i can actually aviod getting hit by it tho. Then comes the dating ok heres where i find it annoying i sometime see 40 years old on here like tf is that