Newbie questions


Hi all! I'm here to ask a couple of questions. Hope you guys don't mind. With that being said, allow me to start.
1. What is a dater? The word "dater" seems to be discussed here on this forum occassionally.
2. How do I import custom skins in 8.0.0 on Android? Copy and pasting png skins in the device's PG3D DATA files seem to not be working anymore. Images of various skins are not showing after the update.
3. Is Prototype the strongest gun in the game? I say this because I haven't killed anyone yet without it being a oneshot with this gun. It kills anyone regardless of armor with one hit.
4. How do I fly? I fought a user in Capture the Flag on the castle map a few hours ago, and he can fly and turn invisible. He's also carrying a Prototype which is a potential rage quit waiting to happen.
5. The Mage's Wand needs to be a oneshot, not a two shot. Make it happen please!
That's it for now, cheers!
A dater is a dumb person who is ingame asking for boyfriends or girlfriends.
PSR can be avoided by a rocket jump so its not always instant kill.
They use potions.
And the Mage wand will never be a one hit kill.
1) A person with an IQ under 15 ask for a boyfriend/girlfriend regardless of age.
2) I cannot think of other ways to get custom skins.
3) It's one of the strongest guns in the game and almost everyone's guilty pleasure.
4) If a player is flying, they are glitching.
This thread made me facepalm. AND, facedesk at the same time. You saw it here first folks!
To import skins on android seems to be impossible because of the new layout. Also if your asking the wand to be extremly op that's worse than the PSR fully upgraded.
A majority of the users here seem to get mad at the mention of the Mage Wand. May I ask why? I'm suprised by this really, as the Mage Wand is a pretty versatile weapon to use in multiplayer, as it can bypass walls and has auto-homing (when the player's name is in view). You can literally just stand or hide behind a wall and repeatedly jam the fire button. An easy kill or two. Now imagine if the Mage Wand was a oneshot. The trolling that would transpire!

Anyway, is there a problem with the server today? I can't seem to join multiplayer...
A majority of the users here seem to get mad at the mention of the Mage Wand. May I ask why? I'm suprised by this really, as the Mage Wand is a pretty versatile weapon to use in multiplayer, as it can bypass walls and has auto-homing (when the player's name is in view). You can literally just stand or hide behind a wall and repeatedly jam the fire button. An easy kill or two. Now imagine if the Mage Wand was a oneshot. The trolling that would transpire!

Anyway, is there a problem with the server today? I can't seem to join multiplayer...
Do you want the game to be unplayable?!
A majority of the users here seem to get mad at the mention of the Mage Wand. May I ask why? I'm suprised by this really, as the Mage Wand is a pretty versatile weapon to use in multiplayer, as it can bypass walls and has auto-homing (when the player's name is in view). You can literally just stand or hide behind a wall and repeatedly jam the fire button. An easy kill or two. Now imagine if the Mage Wand was a oneshot. The trolling that would transpire!

Anyway, is there a problem with the server today? I can't seem to join multiplayer...
It is an OP weapon that can end a player's life in a second! I swear that wand was simply made to troll others! Even PSR users aren't that annoying!
A majority of the users here seem to get mad at the mention of the Mage Wand. May I ask why? I'm suprised by this really, as the Mage Wand is a pretty versatile weapon to use in multiplayer, as it can bypass walls and has auto-homing (when the player's name is in view). You can literally just stand or hide behind a wall and repeatedly jam the fire button. An easy kill or two. Now imagine if the Mage Wand was a oneshot. The trolling that would transpire!

Anyway, is there a problem with the server today? I can't seem to join multiplayer...
Let's see other players use it on you. End of story.
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