Say wut?


Dabbing Pikachu
so I have went into games where people are using laser miniguns (yeah yeah so what? <---you). And we'll when I go into combat with them, they head shot me and it takes 2 shots to kill a guy with a Crystal chestplate aka I still have an iron row of armor (not even upgraded...anti costs WAAY to much ;-; but I'm getting there!).
So if someone could tell me how many shots it takes to kill someone wearing the same armor as me (no helmet) that would be great!
But when i use water rifle on ruby armor player... It didn't die
I don't have laser minigun because i didn't have enough gems :pensive:
Dont buy the laser mini gun it takes up too many gems and it accuracy is horrible. Even i have a 94% accuracy using it. It's trash. Buy the anti gravity blaster