The new maps.


The new maps are pretty cool and definitely very interesting.

Complex: the new survival games map. It's based off of the canadian horror movie cube. It has traps all over the place. The first time I played 4 of the 8 players died to the traps. It's very big so it's hard to navigate through but much more tense.

D-day: A new world war 2 themed map. It's on the beach in normandy. Down on the beach you can snipe and get sniped easy. On the top there are CQC trenches with alot flanking routes and hiding places. A nice touch are the constant sounds of explosions.

Nuclear city: Based off of the iconic Call of Duty Nuketown map. Very open so it quickly leads to PSR and headhunter deathmatch. At the end it blows up. Another nice feature is the audible ticking noise. It's supposed to be a radiation measurement device. The louder it gets, the higher the radiation is.

Knife party: A melee only map. Basically a giant death pool. It's pretty small and the spawns are easily camped. There's big castle themed room with a throne made of melee weapons. On the top of the throne there's a big burning fire demon. This map is supposed to be Game of Thrones themed.

The recording function is pretty nifty too. The fire demon now has flame particles coming out of it.
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