VIX's Wish (PG-14+)


Local Anthro/Furry Infomation Provider

December 23, Year: 3791

Kill anything that moved.
Kill anything that resisted.
Kill anything that was infront of her.
That is what she did.

Ordered to eradicate an entire city without hesitation.
She killed everything she saw.
Soldiers, Rebels, Civilians, Hostages, Children, Everything...
Their blood now covers the streets. And herself.
"Just stop... Just stop... Just stop..." She yelled in her head.
It's not like she wanted to kill people. It was her orders. Her duty. Her......

"Two Left..." Until this hell is over...
Did she deserve this? To watch her own hands killing Innocents. What if she was already dead, and this was just a personal hell, ment to torment her specifically.

"TWO DETECTED!" she could hear crying...
A mother. And a child...
"Just stop... Just stop... Just stop..."
She killed the mother without hesitation... The child traumatized...
"Just stop... Just stop... Just stop..."
Her gun, pointing at the child's head.
"Just stop... Just stop... Just stop..."
Fingers on the trigger....
She Froze...

Finger on the trigger... About ready to fire... She froze...
She did not want to kill anymore... Her hands trembling...
"Just stop... Just... Stop... Just......"
The teary child looked at the blood stained soldier and said. "You're not bad are you?"
She wanted to reply back, but she couldn't... She wanted to drop the gun she was holding but couldn't...
She... She wanted to be caring instead of a killing machine.
She slowly lowered her gun downwards... Slowly sinking down to her kne--
She shot the child in the chest without hesitation...

She now had full control over her body. Her orders were done. She droped her gun and catched the dying child before they could collapse. Tears were running down their face. Blood spilling out of their body.
Before she could initiate medical procedures. The child was already dead in her hands.
She held the child's dead body close... For the first time in how many years? She was crying as well.
"Well done VIX. Return to base and prepare for your next sortie"
She refused...
Still clutching the dead body in her hands.
"VIX... Return to base. Now!"
She refused.
She ripped her ComLink off of her helmet.
There was something in the child's pocket. A piece of folded paper stained with blood and something written in it.
The Blood covered soldier opened the piece of paper and read what was inside...
"Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is for the war to end. I dont want anymore people to get hurt.
Plees. I dont want to see anymor people die.
-(unreadable Text)
Ag( Unreadable Text)"
"...I will make this wish come true soon..."
She said in her head. Crying, clutching the child, she sat against a ruined wall... And stood there.

We were sent to extract a missing soldier who went AWOL a few days ago. No one knows why this soldier went AWOL. All we do know was our objective.

Landing in a city... Covered in blood... This is what the soldier did...
Not a single survivor in sight.
Our Team had to split up to search.
"Ryven, Amagiz, take the east side. Paline, take west side. Marthan, Wanda, North side. I'll check south."

"Report... West Side."
"Report, North Side"
"Nothing here, just more bodies"
"Report, East Side."
"Report. East Side."
"...Well... We found the missing soldier."
"Alright. Team. Meet up on East Side."

What we saw was the most puzzling thing we could see at the time...
The soldier who went AWOL... Clutching the dead body of a child.
"Common buddy, we're gonna bring you back."
"Stay Away From Her!"
She started to stand. Setting the body down next to another one while she did. Then she reached for her gun... Tears running down from her visor.
"...No... No more... Just stop... Just stop.... Just stop..."
Violence has been against the laws of the crime!