Wrench ?

Your option about having a wrench in PG3D

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Cømmander Ren

The Regular Overwatch player
Yes.... like title said
A wrench in PG3D.... use it as melee and also abilities to fix damaged turret and mech

Wrench Stats

Damage: 7
Attack Speed : 95

Mobility : 167
Cost : 50 gems (be like )
Upgrade : Wrench and Wrench UP 1


Wrench UP 1
-make it metallic stell colour
Come on , guys and gals .... improve this.. it fix Turret and Mech
This is reason why some people hate turret and mech.... so wrench is way to fixed those mech and turret like an engineer ... just knock it on turret or allies mech !

without wrench .... nobody want to use turret and mech...
I don't use mechs because I'm so used to the insane fire rate of the mini gun; but yes, mechs are already op and do not need any type of buff/nerf. They are perfectly balanced in their current state. Although I beg to differ about armor...

Mechs have more armor than Ruby Armor.