10 Tips To Become A Better Pixel Gun Player -Dragonmaster8899


New Member
1.Bob and Weave. For you players who don't know what that means it just moving side to side. This is useful if you got campers or if your rushing. This makes the enemy harder to kill you.
2. Always Aim For Headshots. This helps you because this can help you kill your enemy faster. Who doesn't like winning a gun fight.
3.Survival is Money. To be a better player you need better guns like the rail gun (if your a fan of no scoping in the game) or noob tubes or even anti gravity launcher. To get lots of money legit in pixel gun 3D is First go to survival. Next get a weapon that does splash damage like a noob tube (aka the grenade launcher) and gather enemies in a group and then fire away. Important tip this takes time I mean LOTS OF TIME.
4.Stay cautions. Don't go out in the battle field like a lunatic , be patient and take cover, hide behind a friend, or Bob and Weave. This will keep you from dying which gives the other team points.
5.Change your sensitivity. The sensitivity is how fast your player can turn. You should try out what sensitivity you like the best and get used to it. Important Tip don't follow other peoples sensitivity try your own.
6.Turn Music Off. Some of you people might like the music on but leaving the music off will help you concentrate but hear the people foot steps and gunfire.
7.Push The Enemy To Spawn. Pushing the enemies to spawn will help you kill lots of enemy cause when they spawn some people might have a delay reaction or couldn't see you cause your behind them. This is good for getting lots of extra kills.
8.Don't Pick The Winning Team. Some people are saying that if you want to be better go with the good team, that might be true but some times at the end of the match you can choose a team and the top player will have a delay from choosing there original team and will get filled automatically so its a 50/50 chance.
9.The Campaign. The campaign is like I practice. This will help you noobies become a better player. If you are a pro player that gets monster kills while no scoping with the rail gun this step doesn't really count. This way will also get you the alien gun which is better then the pixel gun.
10.Have Fun. This is the most important rule. If you don't have fun why are playing this game this is if you enjoy it and feel proud about how good you are in this game. For an example I have fun with this game so esp. with the no scoping rail gun I feel proud of doing. If your fingers are tired or your eyes are stop playing take a break or go take a nap. This will help you not get blind or start wearing glasses like me.
If you follow these steps you would be a monster killing rail gun no scoper like me. I hope these help you become a better pixel gun player.
Join RAZ3 my clan from [RAZ3]Dragonmater
Leave a comment if I have a mistake or if you like these tips
Sorry if I stole peoples ideas. cause this is how I play
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Just going to say, that moving side to side does nothing, just like jumping up and down, there is always a point where your head is. it just makes you more noticeable to everyone else that is fraying to murder you.
Campaign isn't practice. Killing zombies is not near on trying to dodge no-skill spawn campers.
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Which is why when people start moving from side to side, the people shooting at them switch to faster firing weapons. Also, you can easily hear gunfire even with music on.
Which is why when people start moving from side to side, the people shooting at them switch to faster firing weapons. Also, you can easily hear gunfire even with music on.
Agreed. It's better to either accept a death or just make erratic, unpredictable movements.
Not go out in the open and run like a lunatic but hide and snipe? Nah i AM a lunatic ain't nobody got time for waiting! I want that 5 coins and 25 EXP u cray cray
Music blocks the footsteps though. Also if you are sniping on Nuclear City, don't go on the rooves go into the houses with windows and stay in a dark corner, making yourself less visible. Anyone else just play music from their playlists while playing pixelgun? I'll sometimes do that.