Anti Weapon Strategy:Prototype PSR

Do an anti-weapon strategy for the crystal crossbow I' use this all the time, but when someone else uses it, there is no strat other than to hope to god they aren't targeting you
I don't think there's any way you can be a skilled Prototype user. It's the Pixel Gun Equivalent of crushing ants with your shoe. There may be skill involved in getting the shoe, earning the cash to buy it, but at the end of the day it's just one step to kill. I will never buy that gun or use it. Just my opinion plsdontkillmeh
No the prototype can actully be out bested but it's just you people that are not thinking above the box. Most smart players know to just sneak up to a psr and attack from behind. Or use the angry reptile (only use for the angry reptile) to make the psr think your a fool and get his ¥€£ owned because they let their guard down (most likly won't work)
Or just doge every 3 seconds while suicide rushing the guy with a red stone cannon

Sorry heliosFTW but theirs only less than 1m players on pg3d
Oh well 1000 then
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