Does the costing cape hack still work ?


New Member
what I am running
Er sorry ment *custom stupid phone :pensive:
-iPhone six jb
-I file
-latest version of pg3d
guys guys guys guys guys. it isn't a freaking hack. Also @GoldMan27 and @Rob have both made threads on this. GoldMan27 is IOS and Rob is Android, so they both cover both types of PG3D (4 devices to play but 2 connect to eachother)
guys guys guys guys guys. it isn't a freaking hack. Also @GoldMan27 and @Rob have both made threads on this. GoldMan27 is IOS and Rob is Android, so they both cover both types of PG3D (4 devices to play but 2 connect to eachother)
@MIDNIGHT Actually, they are right to have such a thread up, Since the 8.x updates have been out, I haven't heard of the custom cape still working or not.

Seems like a valid question in my book. In any case, I too am unaware if the cape hack still works (my decline in PG3D activity has prevented me from finding out), however if anyone wishes to reveal that it still works, please feel free to do so.
@MIDNIGHT Actually, they are right to have such a thread up, Since the 8.x updates have been out, I haven't heard of the custom cape still working or not.

Seems like a valid question in my book. In any case, I too am unaware if the cape hack still works (my decline in PG3D activity has prevented me from finding out), however if anyone wishes to reveal that it still works, please feel free to do so.
okay, then... should i delete my post?
Sadly, Android users can no longer use this option. Pixel Gun 3D has been updated and blocked access to the Cape_CustomTexture file and all game files for editing. I am currently working on finding exploits but this will take a great amount of time, even with rooted/jailbroken devices.