Endings (Part 3) [RETCONNED]


Retired Roleplayer
Ten years later....

The classroom bell rang, and the kids began to flee before their charismatic teacher kept them behind, and overdid his job by giving an extended lecture. After the swarm had cleared, a little boy remained in the room, looking up at the man wiping the board.

"Um....sir...?", he asked, "I know you're just a teacher and all...but.....my parents told me they've seen you somewhere...back when the monsters were there....", the man laughed as he gathered his equipment, but the boy was insistent.

"Are you..a superhero?" he questioned, the teacher ruffled his snowy white hair, thinking of a suitable answer to give such an impressionable kid "Don't be silly, Alex, I'm 27 years old, the only monsters I deal with are the people in this class!" he said as he playfully patted Alex on the head. "Besides, I've got tougher things than monsters to think about..." Ken muttered, as his eyes fall upon a small box containing a ring, as he, admittedly, was nervous to ask her the question.

Alex looked dejectedly at the floor, "But...what if the monsters come back? Like the monsters in your stories?" Ken kneeled, and looked at the kid at eye level "There are others among us..."heroes", they live far off in a secluded area. They battle and train almost daily. They're amongst the bravest souls on Earth, you need not worry!"

Seeing the kid's eyes fill with hope and excitement, Ken smiled to himself and got up, "How about a report on these "Heroes", so you can present to the class next week?", "NO!" came the reply before the kid sped off.

Ken chuckled "Now this I can do all day...."
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