How is your accuracy while playing

Personally for me, it depends what weapon I'm using. I do better with Snipers IMO. So it's about 65% accurate for snipers and about 55%+ for fast weapons probably .
Honestly, I'm more accurate on automatic weapons like the Automatic Peacemaker rather than snipers. I think it's because of the fact that I constantly change where I'm aiming since barely any players stay still.
My accuracy is a 0....? I don't know if a 0 accuracy is even good. Please reply if your a 0 too, and/or if a 0 accuracy is good or not!
I had the worst accuracy (somewhere at 40+?) as I continued spamming Stinger in some maps and that I cannot always accurately target using Snipee weapons airborne players amd mobile players accurately. But, I had a slight accuracy increase in terms of using Primary weapons.