Laser crossbow vs sunrise vs impulse Sniper rifle

Morten Høy

Active Member
Just a little input on what I think about these weapons, please write a comment if you got some input etc.

Impulse Sniper rifle:
- fast rate of fire
- good scope with 10x zoom and "windows" in the sides so you can see what is going on.
- longer fire range than the sunrise.
- average accuracy when shooting. On very long distance (from the top of castles in flag capture and trying to hit a target inside the opponents castle or at the gate), when the target is moving (and I pull the trigger when bullseye), I do not always hit my target, so even though the "bullet" seems faster than the bullet from the sunrise, it is not as fast and accurate as the laser from the laser crossbow.
- good ammo storage.
- low mobility which means that this is a Sniper rifle for the Sniper who does not jump around.
- lethality on 24 when fully upgraded, so with Sniper cape around 26.4 in lethality.

Sunrise :
- fast shooting rate.
- very good ammo storage (twice as the Impulse Sniper rifle).
- 10x zoom without windows in the side so you can not see what is going on.
- accuracy is good, but only on medium distance due the time it takes the bullet to travel from the barrel and into the target.
- high mobility. With the sunrise you can jump around (Sniper maps) and be hard to hit.
- can also be used in close range fighting with a little practice.
- High lethality on 27 and with Sniper cape you can get a lethality on 29.7.
- shooting distance is average,and in big maps like heaven and Sniper Fort, I have tried several times that I could not shoot the Prototype Sniper that was aiming at me, due the bullet never got to him even though I had him bullseye, so this is a weapon that is good on medium distance, but on long distance, even though it has 10x zoom, you can not use it (it is not very often you are so far from your target),but it happens. If you on the the walls beside the temple in heaven garden, where red team spawn, you can not hit another player standing on the wall on the other side of the map.

Laser crossbow :
- slow fire rate compared to the other two.
- low ammo capacity compared to the other two (crossbow :9, sunrise: 24,impulse Sniper:12).
- 8x zoom, which actually makes the targets heads a lot smaller compared to 10x zoom), and 8x zoom is def not twice as much as 4x zoom, but it is better no doubt.
- the accuracy is amazing on the laser crossbow, and it doesn't matter if the target is right in front of you or on the opposite site of the map, if you pull the trigger when the targets head is bullseye, you get a head shot. The accuracy is where the laser crossbow is superior to the two other weapons, and it is possible that this is the most accurate weapon in the game on long distance.
- much better shooting distance than the sunrise and better accuracy on long distance than the Impulse Sniper rifle. Due the short time it takes the laser to travel from the crossbow to the target, even on long distances you will hit what you aim at.
- mobility is 115 which is better than the 105 on the Impulse Sniper, but a little worse than the 120 on the sunrise.
- you can shoot through bushes and tree crowns. If a target is hiding behind a bush or a cactus etc, you can still hit him.
- if there is more players or monsters standing behind your original target, they also will be hit when you fire the laser.

If someone has something to add, please leave a comment and I will add it. I have not yet tested the prototype, so if someone is using it, let me know something about it.
Personal I feel that the laser crossbow and the Impulse Sniper rifle is the best all round Snipers.
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In my opinion the Impulse fires so fast that it throws off my aim. The Sunrise is fast but not fast enough to throw off my aim so I like it more. The laser crossbow...well its a less powerful and more expensive version of the Prototype that has a smaller scope and faster fire rate and mobility. The dominant sniper in the game is Still the prototype. It is the only sniper rifle in the game that can one hit headshot and kill an Adamant armored player without the sniper cape.
In my opinion the Impulse fires so fast that it throws off my aim. The Sunrise is fast but not fast enough to throw off my aim so I like it more. The laser crossbow...well its a less powerful and more expensive version of the Prototype that has a smaller scope and faster fire rate and mobility. The dominant sniper in the game is Still the prototype. It is the only sniper rifle in the game that can one hit headshot and kill an Adamant armored player without the sniper cape.
I'm upgrading the prototype to up2 today, so I can see what the fuzz is all about.. Always great input from you DonutMan, thanks, and it is great to get other players opinion on the weapons.
Even though the prototype often kills me, it is the low ammo capacity and fire rate that have hold me back, but now I will try it out.
What Sniper do you use?
I'm upgrading the prototype to up2 today, so I can see what the fuzz is all about.. Always great input from you DonutMan, thanks, and it is great to get other players opinion on the weapons.
Even though the prototype often kills me, it is the low ammo capacity and fire rate that have hold me back, but now I will try it out.
What Sniper do you use?
Prototype and when I'm playing with friends we take off armor so I get to use old weapons that don't stand well against armor(such as the Headhunter,Guerilla rifle,etc) but for armor I use the Prototype up1.
Impulse Bae <3
It's been my primary sniper for about since it was released. Always will be my sniper. It's better for dealing with situations involving close range combat, well better than the other snipers IMO and also from long distances so that why I like it.
Currently the only sniper I use (and have actually) is the Prototype UP2... Its still the only sniper that one shot headshots adamant armor... wish the capacity was a tad higher like 8 and the mobility could use a buff but still. It is the undisputed champion. What if it was a one shot body shot to ruby armor... i think that would make sense