Mafia Mansion: That One Glitch.

Shiny The Goober

New Member
I love the Mafia Mansion map. It has places to Snipe, places for Battle, and places to hide as you argue with that one guy who's in the wall. The one undeniable flaw of this map (Apart from the easy spawn camping areas) is the stair glitch. I hate being on the Blue Team, going in the Mansion to seek out the Reds and then being shot by somebody I can't even see and shoot back. You guys have any ideas on what to do with those Goobers who hide in the stairs for a person without an Over Powered Cool Prototype PSR-1?
Use a wand/crossbow/bow that has projectiles that goes through walls, go all the way up to the roof, and shoot straight down. It will work like a charm.
What I usually do is use the chain thunderbolt with accessorie bonuses to kill the people right after the match starts. If you have the whole red team trying to do it the chain thunder would zap them out. Or use a melee like the fire demon to get near the staircase then use something like the big buddy or bass cannon. You now have a ultra kill from one blast. Very simple.
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I don't like using the Stairs glitch unless daters are involved. Even then, the Stairs Glitch is a last resort because Ijust hide/snipe in the trees. (Protip- Make sure most of the daters are on the blue team, then you have prime sniping postiton in the trees next to the blue spawn.)
How does one simply get into the stairs??? I'm interested in using the glitch against daters, but I just can't get in there :angry:

Somebody PM me please :smile: