No love for the dragons breath :(


Mlg protoraiser
So even after rilisoft nerfed the dragons breath until its useless now, most of you guys still think its op? It has the same damage as a swat rifle and costs like 300 gems now?! The only players who have the dragons breath now are probably just the ones who bought it for 500 coins (such as myself) before gems was a thing. Those players now are probably lv 26 and have WAY better weapons like the hellraiser and laser cannon. So the freeze ray rifle gets a upgrade? Geez now its stronger than the dragons breath and it costs cheaper too. The dragons breath is SUPPOSED to be stronger than the freeze rifle but instead its useless. Yes the dragons breath is strong if you are fighting non urmored players but how many non armored players do you see nowadays? 0, because you are a freakin lv 26 and you have to deal with ruby armor...
And guess what? If the dragons breath gets a upgrade, it will most likely cost like 200 gems to upgrade it and you are lv 26? Hah good luck getting a single gem with that broken daily reward system.
That is because now people uses ALWAYS the same guns: Lets say AGB,laser minigun, prototype, armaggedon, dual machine guns, predator.... People is not dumb and they know in which guns they have to spend their gems or coins, if they want to win. How many people you have seen NOW using rambo rifle in high levels or AK48? it is sad but is that the problem, only new players who doesnt know anything abaout the game buy weapons as the rambo rifle. Rilisoft has a huge problem, they have create 5-6 guns that are HUGELY overpowered between all the others AGB against the dragon breath for example and other 10 (medium ones) that are HUGELY better than the worst ones lets say dragon breath or hellraiser compared with rambo rifle, and even you have ruby o crystal armor you are killed very fast against the best guns as AGB or PSR or laser minigun, armaggedon, predator. The main problem on this game now is the UNBALANCE between the weapons. They should create the same weapons but with the only difference that its diference should be slightly or smoothly between them, that will make the game better. For example AK48 up2 16 lethality hellraiser up2 17 lethality, prototype 15 lethality on UP2 agianst the 13 of elephant hunter. Not that difference of 25 and 16 like minigun laser and dragon breath has. Prottoype is totally OP it should be the same as the elephant hunter or slightly better. That is one of the reasons that makes this game unplayable now, and the only chance to win is by buying gems, even buying gems you are not willing to win because AGB and prototype or laser minigun or amarmaggedon are still TOTALLY OP.

By the way i will copy paste this post on suggestions/feedback and i will add more things and ideas that i have think. Surely rilisoft will not listen but i will try. I expect it will a huge post, hope rilisfot can read all.
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My loadout:
Swat Rifle- underrated.
Amantia- Hard to see in game
Katana- useually replace with the Demon
Elephant Hunter- usually replaced with the PSR
Cherrybomb- Noone uses it

I think the DB isnt op now, due to the serious un-needingness of reaction time with armor
So even after rilisoft nerfed the dragons breath until its useless now, most of you guys still think its op? It has the same damage as a swat rifle and costs like 300 gems now?! The only players who have the dragons breath now are probably just the ones who bought it for 500 coins (such as myself) before gems was a thing. Those players now are probably lv 26 and have WAY better weapons like the hellraiser and laser cannon. So the freeze ray rifle gets a upgrade? Geez now its stronger than the dragons breath and it costs cheaper too. The dragons breath is SUPPOSED to be stronger than the freeze rifle but instead its useless. Yes the dragons breath is strong if you are fighting non urmored players but how many non armored players do you see nowadays? 0, because you are a freakin lv 26 and you have to deal with ruby armor...
And guess what? If the dragons breath gets a upgrade, it will most likely cost like 200 gems to upgrade it and you are lv 26? Hah good luck getting a single gem with that broken daily reward system.
Objection I'm lv.19 and dragon breath is amazing for area denial
That is because now people uses ALWAYS the same guns: Lets say AGB,laser minigun, prototype, armaggedon, dual machine guns, predator.... People is not dumb and they know in which guns they have to spend their gems or coins, if they want to win. How many people you have seen NOW using rambo rifle in high levels or AK48? it is sad but is that the problem, only new players who doesnt know anything abaout the game buy weapons as the rambo rifle. Rilisoft has a huge problem, they have create 5-6 guns that are HUGELY overpowered between all the others AGB against the dragon breath for example and other 10 (medium ones) that are HUGELY better than the worst ones lets say dragon breath or hellraiser compared with rambo rifle, and even you have ruby o crystal armor you are killed very fast against the best guns as AGB or PSR or laser minigun, armaggedon, predator. The main problem on this game now is the UNBALANCE between the weapons. They should create the same weapons but with the only difference that its diference should be slightly or smoothly between them, that will make the game better. For example AK48 up2 16 lethality hellraiser up2 17 lethality, prototype 15 lethality on UP2 agianst the 13 of elephant hunter. Not that difference of 25 and 16 like minigun laser and dragon breath has. Prottoype is totally OP it should be the same as the elephant hunter or slightly better. That is one of the reasons that makes this game unplayable now, and the only chance to win is by buying gems, even buying gems you are not willing to win because AGB and prototype or laser minigun or amarmaggedon are still TOTALLY OP.

By the way i will copy paste this post on suggestions/feedback and i will add more things and ideas that i have think. Surely rilisoft will not listen but i will try. I expect it will a huge post, hope rilisfot can read all.
Stop saying the guns are op because THEY ARE NOT(with the exception of ABG). Its just that all the other weapons are too underpowered like all the old rifles and snipers. They deserve upgrades so that they are as strong as all the newer weapons. Snipers are supposed to kill in 1 shot so why nerf the prototype and make it useless? Instead make all the other snipers a 1 hit kill like the prototype. This is exactly what happened to the dragons breath and guess what? Its useless now.
And if your wondering why people only use the same guns, its because that those guns are the only usable guns needed to get 3+ ruby armor kills. Its their only choice of guns because all the other guns are just too weak to fight ruby armor players.
If all the guns are the same strength, i would totally switch my prototype with my gureilla rifle or elephant hunter IF they could kill in 1 shot.
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Objection I'm lv.19 and dragon breath is amazing for area denial
i wish i was below lv 20. Not many or no players use ruby armor below lv 20 because they wont have enough money to get ruby armor, so dragons breath is still pretty good if nobody uses 40+ armor
Stop saying the guns are op because THEY ARE NOT(with the exception of ABG). Its just that all the other weapons are too underpowered like all the old rifles and snipers. They deserve upgrades so that they are as strong as all the newer weapons. Snipers are supposed to kill in 1 shot so why nerf the prototype and make it useless?

Youre saying the same as me but on the other way around man....I dont understand your mood and your point, you seem sick about my response and i dont know why.

Im saying prototype should be only slighlty better than elephant hunter is, or similar. Yes its a sniper but man youre not palying on a real 100% shooter game as battlefield or COD and thats why there are ruby armors NOW (which rilisoft screwed up the game), ptotoype should be as it is in UP1 and it still will more powerfull as elephant hunter. If you havent understand my poitn is not my fault. Now youre complaining that dragon breath is not strong enough, well maybe you have not the things very clear then, so let me guess, you are complaining only on AGB users? i dont understand then your response.... Dragon breath is useless against a ruby armor player with minigun laser and thats the sadly truth, even youre using ruby armor. This happen because this game is not balanced anymore. If you want prototype up2 ramains the same that is now ,"because is a sniper", then elephant hunter and guerrilla rifle it should be similar because if not it will exist people like you complaining against prototype users am i right?
Why are you complaining on dragons breath powerness then? If the main reason of my post is saying there are huge difference btween weapons? :S
So agb is the only OP wepon? tell me then if there is not difference between hellraiser and combat rifle? There are no more primaries that are more OP than others? It not about one or two wepaons is abouts the balance of the whole weapons where im complaining.....Yore contradicting yourself with your no sense response.
Youre saying the same as me but on the other way around man....I dont understand your mood and your point, you seem sick about my response and i dont know why.

Im saying prototype should be only slighlty better than elephant hunter is, or similar. Yes its a sniper but man youre not palying on a real 100% shooter game as battlefield or COD and thats why there are ruby armors NOW (which rilisoft screwed up the game), ptotoype should be as it is in UP1 and it still will more powerfull as elephant hunter. If you havent understand my poitn is not my fault. Now youre complaining that dragon breath is not strong enough, well maybe you have not the things very clear then, so let me guess, you are complaining only on AGB users? i dont understand then your response.... Dragon breath is useless against a ruby armor player with minigun laser and thats the sadly truth, even youre using ruby armor. This happen because this game is not balanced anymore. If you want prototype up2 ramains the same that is now ,"because is a sniper", then elephant hunter and guerrilla rifle it should be similar because if not it will exist people like you complaining against prototype users am i right?
Why are you complaining on dragons breath powerness then? If the main reason of my post is saying there are huge difference btween weapons? :S
So agb is the only OP wepon? tell me then if there is not difference between hellraiser and combat rifle? There are no more primaries that are more OP than others? It not about one or two wepaons is abouts the balance of the whole weapons where im complaining.....Yore contradicting yourself with your no sense response.
Just made a new post explaining all that stuff. I complained about the dragons breath because it WAS a good weapon, a little too op and it costed like 10x more than the other guns but then rilisoft nerfed it too hard and you could get a weapon with the similar strength with a much cheaper price. So i felt that i wasted my coins on the dragons breath. Hellraiser vs combat rifle is understandable because the hellraiser costs much more and should be stronger.
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I don't understand what's the whole point of this.

First, before update 9.1.0, most of the community complained how overpowered the Dragon Breath is. Now, you're complaining why RiliSoft nerfed it.

Secondly, you're drunk, go home. If the Dragon Breath ever gets an upgrade, more players will be rocking out with it. Which is bad, because more powerful players will destroy powerless players, no question asked.

Third, the stats aren't true. I've tested this with SWAT Rifle.

Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with this idea.
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I don't understand what's the whole point of this.

First, before update 9.1.0, most of the community complained how overpowered the Dragon Breath is. Now, you're complaining why RiliSoft nerfed it.

Secondly, you're drunk, go home. If the Dragon Breath ever gets an upgrade, more players will be rocking out with it. Which is bad, because more powerful players will destroy powerless players, no question asked.

Third, the stats aren't true. I've tested this with SWAT Rifle.

Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with this idea.
So its a bad thing if people uses different weapons? Im trying to say that the dragons breath was nerfed too hard and it should be as strong as the hellraiser or at least stronger than the freeze ray rifle because its supposed to be that strong. Im not saying to buff it so its as strong as when it first got released. Also its a premium weapon so would you rather get killed by a no skilled agb spammer or a pro player using a dragons breath?
So its a bad thing if people uses different weapons? Im trying to say that the dragons breath was nerfed too hard and it should be as strong as the hellraiser or at least stronger than the freeze ray rifle because its supposed to be that strong. Im not saying to buff it so its as strong as when it first got released. Also its a premium weapon so would you rather get killed by a no skilled agb spammer or a pro player using a dragons breath?
The only people who thinks that the AGB is overpowered, are the ones who haven't bought it yet. Yes it can kill a Ruby Armored players in 3 shots, but the firerate is slow enough to give the Player enough time to react. Besides,the AGB was one of the staple weapons back in the 7.0 updates and you're only complaining now? People who have used AGBs before used it to disrupt aim, get a high vantage point, and finish off their opponents with low health. Don't hate on the weapon, it's RiliSoft who decided to buff this.
The only people who thinks that the AGB is overpowered, are the ones who haven't bought it yet. Yes it can kill a Ruby Armored players in 3 shots, but the firerate is slow enough to give the Player enough time to react. Besides,the AGB was one of the staple weapons back in the 7.0 updates and you're only complaining now? People who have used AGBs before used it to disrupt aim, get a high vantage point, and finish off their opponents with low health. Don't hate on the weapon, it's RiliSoft who decided to buff this.
YES FINALLY SOMEONE WHO THINKS AGB ISNT OP!!! I didnt say its op or anything (its actually weaker now because last time its 2 shot kill and now its 3 shot kill) but not everyone owns full ruby armor like us, you know? Players without at least gold armor will get rekt by agb, and not everyone likes to grind 5 hours in time survival, so they just complain how op everything is. The agb may be the strongest weapon but its not op if everyone has ruby armor. Its just that all the other guns are too underpowered/armor too op (if the armor is nerfed, the agb should also be nerfed to become 2 shot kill on the new lower max armor value).
I always wanted to say this but i will always get no support from anyone and everyone will be like nuuuu nerf the agb and prototype(Apparently now prototype is op too? Increasing the stats dosent mean its stronger you know? Its 1 headshot kill even if it does 60 or 1000 damage. And also rilisoft probably increased the stats so its more accurate, the laser minigun and prototype still does the same damage even after they increased the stats, probably just so its more belivable. And do you know how hard it is to use the prototype? People say its op just because everyone uses it, everyone uses the prototype JUST BECAUSE its the only weapon other than the agb that can kill ruby armor players.) so that there is no way to kill ruby armor players and then everyone will hate the thread and then it gets removed.
Yes the agb is quite deadly if you know how to use it well. Most people dont know how to use it well. You shoot 1 shot, do the fast reload trick and then shoot another shot and repeat until the enemy dies. Do this and you can shoot every half second. This works with the prototype but it not really useful because the prototype has low ammo and you have to aim well before shooting.
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prototype is way better than the elephant hunter. elephant hunter cant shoot through walls and isn't as deadly as the prototype
I would use the elephant rifle if its a 1 headshot kill on ruby armor players. Shooting through walls isnt really that useful in most maps, and the prototype is only 4x zoom so its pretty hard to snipe jumping targets. It also has the laser thingy everytime you shoot so everyone will know where you are after 1 shot, but with the elephant rifle you can miss 10 times and nobody would notice you. People only uses the prototype because its a 1 headshot kill on ruby armor players.
So its a bad thing if people uses different weapons? Im trying to say that the dragons breath was nerfed too hard and it should be as strong as the hellraiser or at least stronger than the freeze ray rifle because its supposed to be that strong. Im not saying to buff it so its as strong as when it first got released. Also its a premium weapon so would you rather get killed by a no skilled agb spammer or a pro player using a dragons breath?
Nah man I totally pass on this one.
First of all as DirectorScorm said STATS FREAKING LIE.
Secondly, you don't even have to aim with that thing! Just start spraying! It's a laser!
Third, it's your fault you play with a sniper and didn't get the Freeze Ray so deal with it. (I'm more of a Dragons Breath myself)
Overall this thread in my opinion is pointless, as long as you can get kills with the Dragons Breath on a full game of DAP then it's NOT CONSIDERED FREAKING USELESS END OF FREAKING STORY. And umm dude if you were frozen I think that would be more deadlier than being burned, I mean you can't Dragons Breath < Freeze Ray