Nyroc's sorrow


You lost the game.
24 December of 2008
Sebastian "Nyroc" Hoole
Rapture - Main hall.
- "They don't stop coming! We need to retreat!!" - screamed the leader of the resistance, before getting shot in the throat by a Splicer carrying a Tommy Gun
Nyroc, a 7 year old at the time, closed his eyes, trying to forget the blood-shed that was ocurring infront of him, as his mother carried him near the escape pods that were used to send people to the surface, they needed to get away from the splicers, as the following thoughts ran across his mother's head...
- "We must get to safety, safety... Where the ¨&%$ are the escape pods?!" - Said Rosemary, as a splicer landed right infront of her.

- "Your ADAM is mine!" - Roared the Splicer, before getting gunned down by a automatic turret, pathetical.
- "Pathetical..." - Said Rosemary, with a rather sarcastic tone on her voice, as she was getting closer to the escape pods...
- "Mom... i-i'm scared!!" - Cried Nyroc as they arrived at the escape pods
Rosemary placed Nyroc on the ground, looking around to see any signs of Splicers in the area, as she looked at the pod, she realized that only one of them would make it...
- "&*¨@! There's space for only one person in the pod!" - Said Rosemary in a frustrated tone, she didn't wanted to leave her son behind... - "I swear i'll kill Ryan..."
Rosemary looked at Nyroc, with sorry eyes, as she wrapped him in her arms... - "I'm sorry... i'll never forget you, laddie." - As tears filled her eye, she showed Nyroc a red looking bottle and a map with coordinates, putting it in his pocket as he looked at her with his confused eyes...
- "Use this when you get to the surface... Now go!" - Shouted Nyroc's mother as the room they were in began to get filled with Splicers of various types. As she threw Nyroc inside the escape pod...
Nyroc, too shocked to say anything, tried to open his pod, he didn't wanted to leave his mother, as she was the only thing he ever loved in his life. Tears ran down Nyroc's eyes...
- "I'll never forget you, Nyroc..." - Said Rosemary, as she slowly pulled a grenade out of her pocket. Pulling the pin, giving a last smile at Nyroc as he slowly ascended...
- "MOTHER! NO!!!!!" - Shouted Nyroc, but it was too late, the last thing he saw was a huge explosion, as the blood of his mother, mixed with the Splicer's decorated the escape pod he was in. His mother always told him to be strong and always have hope, but he lost all of it.
The pod arrived rather quick to the surface, landing in a random spot, as many other capsules did the same. Nyroc was all alone by himself.
- "Mother..." - Sobbed Nyroc, as the strong memories of his mother still haunted him...

Surface, Canada
24 December of 2002. 21:34 PM

Nyroc's escape pod slowly opened, as he dropped onto the ground, "Why do all bad stuff happens to me?!" thought Nyroc, as he slowly got up...
Nyroc had no idea where to go, but suddenly realizes the map his mother gave him, with a location marked with a red sharpie...
- "That's where i should go...?" - Pondered Nyroc, as he pulled the bottle his mother gave him, labeled "Devil's Kiss". - "Mother always told me about these bottles..." - As he brought the bottle close to his face, pulling the top of it off, he drank the entire content of the bottle.
- "Tasty... reminds me of the cookies my mother used to bake..." - Said Nyroc, with a sad tone in his voice, as he felt a sudden and huge pain on his hands, kneeling down on the ground, he looked at his hands, both of them were assuming a flaming aspect.
- "W-what is happening to my hands?!" - Shouted him, in shock, as he saw his whole hands on fire, as layers of skin began to melt and droplets of flesh fell into the ground, the pain suddenly stopped. His hands were normal.
As Nyroc looked at his hands, he could see his veins glow a bright red color, as they were rivers of lava running down the course. Nyroc fell on the ground, exausthed, with the map and Vigor beside him...

- "Requesting help here, i found someone." - A feminine voice said - "Permission to bring him in?"
- "Request granted, good job, November."

End of story arc I

Gimme your opinion :U
(Insert. "Not Bad" Meme Here)
Why don't I insert it myself? Im WWWAAAYYYYYYYY too lazy for dat.
Seems pretty good for a first timer. Jkjk
Also.. Firzt one said 2008 and second one said 2002