Tips on using a Grenade


Well-Known Member

As of the update 8.0.0, Rilisoft has added a new weapon/consumable. This weapons is called the Grenade, which allows as to blow up players instantly killing them (Without Armor). The Grenade is available in every map and Gamemode. Since the Grenade is pretty much new to first time FPS Players and has pretty much lost interest to first time users, due to them not understanding the mechanics. In this thread, I will show you how to properly use Grenade, although I'm pretty much sure most of you know how to use them by this point :tongueout:

How to properly throw a Grenade.
To throw a Grenade one must properly calculate/predict where the Grenade lands once its been used. This technique can be practiced in the Campaign levels due to them spawning Grenades and the moving "Mobs" in-game.

How to us it during in-game.
A Grenade is a very handy tool in blowing up clusters of enemies, but due to them moving it is very hard to actually kill them with the Grenade. Every player must take note, that Grenades must be used on Campers and in small maps to maximize kills. Grenades can be used for "Corner Kills". "Corner Kills" is a term
I use in killing. To perform a "Corner Kill", the enemy should be behind this kind of structures and bounce the Grenade from the opposing wall.

Another thing to note is that you never throw the Grenade directly to your opponent, but instead put some distance between you and your enemy and claculate, then bounce the Grenade at your opponent. Take note that this should only be used as a "Last Resort" if you have no more ammo. Further more it can be used as a less effective "Suicide Mechanism" to new players, so that this may minimize the enemy team from scoring.

Now get outta here and wreck them servers.

That is all for now. Feel free to leave any Questions, Opinions, and Anything that I have missed.
Don't forget this: It takes approx. 1.8 seconds before it explodes when thrown.
So this means that timing and aiming is a necessity.
And also, you can only have a maximum of 10 grenades.
They should add a radar to this game so you can predict where the enemy is and fire a grenade in time
I'm more concerned about where the grenade comes from. I'm aiming at a corner and it hits a different wall than expected.
Grenades bounce far too unpredictably to aim with them reliably. The problem is that, collision-wise, the grenade isn't a spherical object, since RiliSoft made it so that the collision boundary of the grenade is the same as the geometry of its shape. You could throw it perfectly straight at your opponent, and it could bounce in a completely different direction. A grenade is only any good in small, cramped spaces, where it's more likely to do damage to a player (including yourself!) The good thing, though, is that it seems to lose almost all of its bounce when it hits an NPC or another player, so if you manage to hit someone with the grenade, provided that they don't move too quickly, it will likely kill them.
Grenades bounce far too unpredictably to aim with them reliably. The problem is that, collision-wise, the grenade isn't a spherical object, since RiliSoft made it so that the collision boundary of the grenade is the same as the geometry of its shape. You could throw it perfectly straight at your opponent, and it could bounce in a completely different direction. A grenade is only any good in small, cramped spaces, where it's more likely to do damage to a player (including yourself!) The good thing, though, is that it seems to lose almost all of its bounce when it hits an NPC or another player, so if you manage to hit someone with the grenade, provided that they don't move too quickly, it will likely kill them.
GIVE THIS MAN A COOKIE (if only I had the meme)
As I stated, you should practice in Campaign levels, to become familiar with its physics and effectively use it. I find that long time FPS players, especially from Counter Strike have been accustomed to using the Grenades.
As I stated, you should practice in Campaign levels, to become familiar with its physics and effectively use it. I find that long time FPS players, especially from Counter Strike have been accustomed to using the Grenades.
Counter Strike: The game that taught me to use grenades the hard way.
GTA thought me how to use grenades, but they don't bounce as much as PG3D does. But nice advice, although I will not use grenades much. But I have a question, if you hold the grenade button for a longer time, what will happen actually?
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The good thing, though, is that it seems to lose almost all of its bounce when it hits an NPC or another player, so if you manage to hit someone with the grenade, provided that they don't move too quickly, it will likely kill them.

One time in Parkour City, I threw a grenade at a dude and it bounced at a right angle and fell off the map. Those are some wack physics right there.
Also make sure you're in a safe spot before throwing a grenade, as if you get caught off guard whilst priming one, you'll get cheesed.
If worst comes to worst and you have good reflexes and the Ninja Tabi, you can double jump and use their grenade as a way to high-jump. The explosion is higher in the center, so jump away from it to reduce the risk of getting hit.