What's the worst weapon you've brought on PG3D?

angry reptile + skeleton lord/royal knight cape + king's crown = a good weapon :3
I don't like to use OP accessories. I just headshot them with Angry Reptile
The worst weapon I bought was the Space Saber. The damage and attack speed is not very good for a premium weapon that costs 120 coins.
None so far...but ima start saving coins to buy those sh*tty weapons...wish me luck guys XD
I don't care if i buy a bad weapon because i have already to many coins to see any differences on my coin status. :grin:

But i think the flower power is the worst weapon (and i don't need to explain because you know why...)
Agreed. But how can you hate the Emperor's blade.
It's a tie between the Flower Power, Flamethrower, and the dark force saber. Sadly I had to buy them to finish my collection :pensive:
I kind of regret getting the Tesla Generator, I rarely use it in Multiplayer. I'm considering upgrading it though because I heard it can shoot through thin obstacles/walls. Any confirmation?
Yes it's true but your opponent has to be close to the wall. Plus if you can jump obstacle from obstacle then you won't get shot too easily. Plus with is mobilty its fast and its damage its a great use for 20 kill matches.
Thanks, i'll start saving up for it. Also, is it long range? The Tesla Generator comes with a zoom, but it never hits my opponents.
Thanks, i'll start saving up for it. Also, is it long range? The Tesla Generator comes with a zoom, but it never hits my opponents.
No. The gun is supposedly meant for close quarters, so you have to actually get in close range. I don't know why RiliSoft would even put a sight on a close range type gun.