Your favourite PG3D weapon

Marksman UP1. Although it is weak now, this weapon has been my primary since I started and will always be. Still debating whether I should upgrade it or not
My favorite weapon (and trusted weapon) is the Tactical Bow. This weapon is both silent, and deadly if you can lay headshots on your enemies well. It also has its own scope so I can shoot from afar.

P.S. I feel like I'm the only one that likes this weapon...
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New Favorite=Marksman UP2

Just got this today, and I tried it out on a RAP. My reaction-

"Were back in business!"

No longer have to use the Prototype for my sniping!
[color= green] Its a Tie between the Rapid-Fire Rifle and the S.W.A.T Rifle.
Rapid-Fire Rifle for its mag size and CQC abilitys
S.W.A.T Rifle for its mobility, power, and accuracy.
Heavy Shot Gun,LMG,Solar canon,Elephant hunter,Armaggedon (back before 8.0.0),and the prototype.
Heavy Shot Gun is the Jack Hammer right? I mean the shotgun that costs gems, I call it the Jack Hammer cause that's what it is
Hellraiser or Dual Machine Guns! They both have a high/decent fire rate that's why I love dem <3