Your tactic in capture the flag?

I use the Crown, Royal Knight Cape and the Lightning Boots/ Ninja Tabi to get the flag. I also buy the Speed potions (sometimes) and I run 40% faster
My tactic is usually first equipping a pimp wand.
I score noobs and get points. I usually go on the sides of the map to avoid open fire.
Anyone who stands in my way gets a bullet in the face.

Also about the accessories.
I haunt people with my invisibility potion.
Noobs will go running to their mama screaming GHOST!
I will wear my crown and tell noobs who's the boss.
I equip my ninja skin and rabbi to be as sneaky and swift as night.
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Get out my laser gun. Put on anything that gives you a speed boost. Ninja tabis. Rush and hope for the best.
I go into their base as a one man army, kill everyone, and take the flag. If that doesn't work, I'll sneak around and take it while my teammates distract them
I don't normally play CTF. But when I do, I do it in style. I switch every wep to default, cap flag, switch to crossbow, go under the tunnel, crossbow people, Ninja Tabi around, and when someone brings in the PSR, I AGB them in da face. Cap flag, rinse and repeat.