Welcome and thanks for joining the Pixel Gun 3D Forums. Please take a moment to look over the forum rules before posting.
- No swearing. This includes abbreviations, as well as in foreign languages. Further aggressive use will result in warning points. Rebellious nature past this may result in a ban.
- No racial slurs and insults. Further actions will result in warning points. Persistent nature will result in a ban.
- No rapr crunk or 1337sp34k/Use proper grammar and spelling. This will help in other members being able to understand, and comprehend what you are saying.
- No sexual content or pornography. This includes links, forum avatars, names, and signatures. First attempt will get warning points. Further distribution will result in a permanent ban.
- Do not double-post. Use the "Edit" button instead. Further use will result in warning points.
- Do not spam with emoticons in posts or signature. You will be requested to modify your signature and/or posts. Failure to comply will result in warning points.
- Do not type or post topic titles in all CAPS. Typing in all caps is considered yelling, so please avoid posting in all caps regardless if it is a thread title or not. Posts with this content will be modified and/or removed.
- Use descriptive thread titles. DO NOT use topic titles such as "Question", describe your question instead.
- Please read the WHOLE topic before asking questions. Your question may have already been answered.
- Impersonation is NOT tolerated. These include the following:
-Using the same avatar. (In-forum jokes are exempt from this)
-Using the same color code/font as someone else and impersonating them.
-Using a name of a celebrity.
-Claiming to be someone else who they are not.
Anyone caught impersonating another individual will be heavily warned, or IP banned IMMEDIATELY. - Discussion of piracy of any form is NOT tolerated. First attempt will receive warning points. Further attempts may result in a ban.
- No alternate accounts. If caught, all accounts will be banned. Further offenses will lead to a permanent IP ban. Usage of a proxy service or VPN to evade punishment will net immediate removal of the account.
- Do not hijack topics/go off-topic. No "pointless" replies such as "I don't know" or "maybe" either. Posts of this nature will be modified and/or removed.
- No junior moderating. Allow the staff members to moderate the posts--no "junior moderator" comments, please. You can simply use the "Report" option to report a member or content.
For what is deemed as "junior moderating", here is the link. [x] - Avoid political and religious topics. Failure to comply will result in warning points. Further action may result in a ban.
- Clans may only recruit players that have posted in their recruiting threads. Advertising of another clan in the thread will be removed.
- Refrain from "necro-posting" (posting in any topic over a month old) unless you have something useful to contribute to the topic at hand. If you want to talk about something else, make a new topic for it.
- Please report any spam IMMEDIATELY. Instructions on how to report are found here.
- Do not post dating topics. Any topics related to dating will be removed. Further attempts to post one may result in a ban.
- No "cyber-bullying". Instances of this will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Examples include using this forum as a base of operations to attack other members throughout the internet.
- Do not call out any individual or clan on an issue. You are free to discuss anything (except that which is prohibited by rules) but we also want everything to remain constructive and civil. Also, the harassment of ANY forum user, either directly or indirectly, will be dealt with swiftly and decisively.
- Do not post content or topics that may contain sensitive material. This includes content that may be deemed as "flame bait" or content that has the potential to spark flame wars.
- Please watch the tone of your language when posting. Abrasiveness is not tolerated. Even if no rule was broken, the staff members hold the right to warn and/or ban a user for unnecessarily vexing other members.
- No offensive humour/comedy when chatting or posting. Do not post any humour on offensive subjects (Race, Sexuality, Politics; etc). Doing so will result in warning points.
- And most importantly, have fun!
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