As soon as RiliSoft FINALLY removes coins as an IAP, I give it a definite good to go... Let's finally grant our F2Ps some Justice they deserve after being spawncamped by those cursed by Masamune (or those who wield the ghost lantern)
what do you mean "F2P"?
We need Rilisoft to bring back ALL of the OG maps like warehouse assault or cargo ship or mafia mansion etc. I mean seriously. There was a time where I played pixel gun for the maps mostly. Before they took away all the good classic maps and replaced them with rushed cheapy crappy maps like emperors palace. What's the next map gonna be, IN A HOLE! Seriously maps suck these days. The only good ones that have sticked around are Two castles,sniper battle,Ants life, space,paradise resort. But even than there probably gonna be removed to. So thank you, thank you rilisoft, for taking all the good maps and replacing them with maps that are bronze compared to diamond. Dimond being the classic maps and bronze being new. So plz plz plz bring back the originals.
We need Rilisoft to bring back ALL of the OG maps like warehouse assault or cargo ship or mafia mansion etc. I mean seriously. There was a time where I played pixel gun for the maps mostly. Before they took away all the good classic maps and replaced them with rushed cheapy crappy maps like emperors palace. What's the next map gonna be, IN A HOLE! Seriously maps suck these days. The only good ones that have sticked around are Two castles,sniper battle,Ants life, space,paradise resort. But even than there probably gonna be removed to. So thank you, thank you rilisoft, for taking all the good maps and replacing them with maps that are bronze compared to diamond. Dimond being the classic maps and bronze being new. So plz plz plz bring back the originals.
I am not Rilisoft. I am just creating vast suggestions. Anyway, you're posting this in a wrong thread.

Anyway, how is this suggestion?
Why not also have each rocket when it blows up it sends a bunch of shrapnel everywhere but that shrapnel turns into a bunch of lasers, but those lasers also explode on contact, but then the explosion sends out a bunch of flash bangs which blow up cause "illegal" seizures. I actually think it works though tbh.
Why not also have each rocket when it blows up it sends a bunch of shrapnel everywhere but that shrapnel turns into a bunch of lasers, but those lasers also explode on contact, but then the explosion sends out a bunch of flash bangs which blow up cause "illegal" seizures. I actually think it works though tbh.
This weapon fires 16 pellet rockets (fired the same way as Apocalypse's)
@MatthewGo707 Dude you realize there making a joke of you rite? (Btw great concept U. N. OWEN XD)

Anyway, you should make the bazzooka shotgun do less damage, but look rly cool. I buy my guns because they LOOK LIKE ACTUAL GUNS. Make each rocket do maybe 5-10 damage, and make them low AOE (if possible) I think that would balance the weapon. Finally, 600C would be a bit much for a balanced weapon like this one, so
Make the cost 220c for default, 160c UP1 and 100 Gems for UP2.

@MatthewGo707 Dude you realize there making a joke of you rite? (Btw great concept U. N. OWEN XD)

Anyway, you should make the bazzooka shotgun do less damage, but look rly cool. I buy my guns because they LOOK LIKE ACTUAL GUNS. Make each rocket do maybe 5-10 damage, and make them low AOE (if possible) I think that would balance the weapon. Finally, 600C would be a bit much for a balanced weapon like this one, so
Make the cost 220c for default, 160c UP1 and 100 Gems for UP2.

Why? :grin:
How is the updated stats of this weapon suggestion?