Infern Jan 24, 2015 Got my high voltage up1, my plasma releaser and my laser gun. shiz just got real :0
Infern Jan 23, 2015 That Moment When... You finish a round of Time Survival and get disconnected. *shoots self with a PSR*
That Moment When... You finish a round of Time Survival and get disconnected. *shoots self with a PSR*
Infern Oct 24, 2014 Never Gonna Give You Up, Never Gonna Let You Down, Never Gonna Turn Around And Forget You! PG3D is love, PG3D is life
Never Gonna Give You Up, Never Gonna Let You Down, Never Gonna Turn Around And Forget You! PG3D is love, PG3D is life
Infern Oct 23, 2014 Ah.. that awesome sensation when you gravity push someone off the huge tree in sky islands after they spend 10 mins getting up there...
Ah.. that awesome sensation when you gravity push someone off the huge tree in sky islands after they spend 10 mins getting up there...
Infern Oct 22, 2014 my definition of multiplayer ATM: people running around blowing people up with no skill but being able to point a gun and click shoot.
my definition of multiplayer ATM: people running around blowing people up with no skill but being able to point a gun and click shoot.