Are you really sure you want no armor!?

Wearing armor doesn't make you a coward. A coward runs away and hides... Kinda like a camper. Armor is for those on the front lines consuming the incoming fire as a human shield so that the less armored players can advance forward. Armor limits your teams death count. If you play team battles
Depends. A coward doesn't really simply run away and hide. They don't want to die so easily so you come up with another plan, attack someone weaker or attack the same person from behind or whatrver works.
TheRussian, you must understand where a lot of the hate for armor stems from. It is not because players cannot afford to buy armor to survive, but because Pixel Gun 3D has evolved to a point where armor is a necessity and not having it restricts a player from having a fair advantage in-game.
An example of such an occurrance happening would be long ago when players were worried about The Wand more than anything. When it first came out, there were no ways to counter the weapon and it trumped most weaponry back then by a huge margin due to it's high power (being able to kill players in 3 hits) , unlimited ammo, and ability to spot players behind walls (this is partly why players now are not able to see each other's in-game name behind walls anymore). The Wand's attributes were just more advanced than other weaponry to a point where players no longer could properly defend themselves beside getting The Wand themselves. Now, at that point, Pixel Gun had become "unbalanced". Why? Because The Wand had become a necessary piece of weaponry and many matches could not be won without it.
Now, of course, The Wand and many other Wall-Breakers, for the time being, have been greatly nerfed, decreasing their usability by not including unlimited ammo or by removing the Wall-Breaker ability altogether. However, it was a long time before anything was done to fix the problem and during that time, much of the community had been sick of it. This type of sickness that now divides players into Pro-Armor and Anti-Armor is, unfortunately, the same that divided players into Wall-Bangers and Non-Wall-Bangers long ago. Yet, there is a difference between the two problems. That is whether one was essential to gameplay or not.
Wands were never essential to gameplay and many players could live without it. If Wands were removed, the gameplay would stay the same. However, the same doesn't hold true for armor. Armor has become necessary due to the growing number of weaponry that can kill those without it. Removing armor now would be catastrophic due to most weaponry being modeled to combat those with it, which would cause new and old players to constantly die from merely a few shots from weapons such as the Crystal Laser Cannon or PSR. This was caused, in part, due to Rilisoft merely considering the gameplay short-term and not long into the future. It is due to Rilisoft not obtaining any feedback for the idea of armor that caused this mess and, unfortunately, there isn't much of a way out of it.
So, in short, @TheRussian and @RiliSoft , armor has caused a great deal of hate to occurr within the Pixel Gun 3D community due to it's necessity to gameplay and that feedback for the game was never considered. Perhaps now you understand a little more why some members of the forum opposed the change so much.
That's some DEEEP informational text bro
Man chaotix is becoming serious.
But the russian, `armor isnt bad. its just frowned upon because logically, having a sniper bullet up your nose would kill you. And because most people who use it are bad. I personally use hats over helmets, and i dont have enough money anyway
I dont find armor unfair itself. What i find unfair is the new gem/coins system because drives people to spent like 50$ of their own money for buying the most OP weapons and ruby armors just because they pay, not because they gain that from his own skill and effort, they do that only because they cant beat more skilled people than themselves or only because they want to be unstoppable, is funny overall but is that how it works.
I find armor fair if you got it by your pure skill and effort thats all. Rilisoft should remove this buying gems/coin system to provide a fair game, if rilisoft wants to obtain money on his application what they should do is selling the application as other play station game for example, the fair price would be something like 10$ or so and remove the buying system, if you want to play this game spent 10$ but you are going to play a fair game, if not, leave it. From my own experience on this games it wouldnt happen and in the future it will be worse and worse trust me, it will appears something like: special potions, special items to be more resistent against area damage weapons or against break wall weapons for example, special granades, it will appear more characteristics like dazing effects or poisoning and the list can continue... thats my prediction, just because on my experience on this games.... Is sad, but money is money and this can happen
As I said a while ago, we should greatly nerf the OP guns amd armor. I see that someone said about damage resistance, and a bit lowered armor points, and well I agree. I don't think armor leveled from wooden to gold is bad, and I myself am going to upgrade my chest piece. I prefer wearing a hat than having to decrease my abilities by wearing a helmet.
Armor is already mad expensive. And I disagree, greatly merging makes the people that bought it waste their money. Maybe nerf it a bit or add a con but don't make it useless.
As Gardy once said though, the community of Pixel Gun is more than just the forums or wiki. If armor was removed because maybe a hundred or so angry people on the forums and wiki, we will be far outnumbered by the people who want armor to remain in the game.
Removing armor completely from the game is probably pushing it...Now that a lot of weapons can 1 hit kill unarmored players.
If armor is to be removed, there would be a lot of weapon re-balancing to be done.

That said, armor is definitely troublesome. You CAN overcome the armor difference with pure skills and tactics,
but that's not the case for your average player, especially if they don't have the right weapons,
which those that don't even read the forum or wiki will probably got no idea of.

Putting a con like Ruby Rose has said probably won't cull the armor advantage enough.
I think max obtainable armor points should be reduced, perhaps up to 18 armor points total, then re-balancing a few high damage weapons, e.g. AGB

Another good possible mechanic is assign armor to two different areas, that is, the head and body.
For example, once head armor runs out and is blown off, even if there's still body armor, you can deal direct health damage if you hit the player's head.
I agree in nerfing a little bit the armor but not removing all, cause it will not have sense cause you will be killed in less than 1 sec against op weapons. I think the same as hatsumi